Machen Sie sich bereit, die Rettungsoperation in diesem Rettungsspiel Hubschrauber Rettungskräfte durchzuführen.!
Heli Ambulance Rescue Mission 2017 :
Get ready to perform rescue duty in the northern areas of punjab. Peoples living in northern areas of punjab has been affected by the earthquake. There are calling you to help them in this situation. The only way to rescue them is through helicopter rescue service. You as an air aviation officer have to go near them, take them into helicopter and transport them to nearest hospital. Emergency has been implemented into the all nearest hospitals. Your mission is to save more peoples by transporting them to hospitals as you can.
You are a part of rescue team and be ready for the rescue mission. you have to keep ready for emergency rescue service. Wenn Sie Rettungsnotwalme hören, müssen Sie eine schnelle Reaktion geben, um den Hubschrauber zu retten, den Flug zu nehmen und so schnell wie möglich zu erreichen und als Lebenswache zu dienen. took the injured city peoples in earthquake to nearest hospital so that they can get fast treatment and rescued.
You have to fly rescue Helicopter carefully and transport fast to injured peoples for rescue. This is not so easy everyone can not perform this ambulance rescue service without any practice. Und dies ist das beste Hubschrauber -Ambulanzspiel in der großen schönen Stadt, um die Rettungspflicht zu erfüllen und Echtzeit -Rettungshubschrauber -Flugerfahrung von Armee zu sammeln. You have to take those people from the affected areas and fly them to the rescue hospital. This is time to show your rescue helicopter flying skills. The rescue helicopter is equipped with simple and modern control. Nehmen Sie Ihren Armee -Ambulanzhubschrauber und landen Sie sorgfältig auf die betroffene Gegend und verbessern Sie Ihre Flugluftfliegskenntnisse und beweisen Sie, dass Sie der beste Pilot der Welt sind. This is best Ambulance rescue duty simulation game. This game will capture your attention as it is one of the best game.
HOW TO PLAY Heli Ambulance Rescue Mission 2017 game:
Press left, right, up and down button to control the helicopter ambulance movement.
Up and down button to land and flying up.
FEATURES of Heli Ambulance Rescue Mission 2017 :
Beautiful bit city with beautiful environment.
Simple and smooth control.
Different challenging 12 levels.
Real flight game experience.
you will become real life guard for the affected peoples
you will become expert rescue ambulance driver
Show your best rescue duty skills
Hope you will like this game and your valuable reviews and comment help us to improve game
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